
Obama pushes out Gen. James Jones in favor of Thomas E. Donilon

James Jones out. Thomas E. Donilon in. White House officials are speaking on anonymity to the media regarding the "accelerated" resignation of National Security Adviser James Jones. Mr. Jones was due to resign in January after a two year stint with the Obama Administration, but he was apparently pushed out on the heels of the Rahm Emanuel resignation a last week, all under the guise of shaking up the White House and rejuvenating the sagging spirits of the electorate who voted for Change but don't see much in the way of making their lives any better than it was with Bush. This is a problem that the Obama Administration needs to work on fast.

True, the Electorate seems less concerned with President Obama's foreign policy than with his domestic policy at the moment. The high unemployment rate and dearth of jobs dominates political discourse. But there is no question that at the back of many people's minds is the nagging question that America is spending way too much on its defense programs and its wars (trillions!) and not enough on creating jobs for out of work Americans who are losing their homes and the clothes off their backs.

Donilon's appointment as the new National Security Adviser is a good next move for the Administration. First of all, he is in favor of the president's decision to have troops begin to withdraw from Afghanistan next summer, and is against the notion of an "endless war."

The New York Times:
"As deputy national security adviser, Mr. Donilon has urged what he calls a “rebalancing” of American foreign policy to rapidly disengage American forces in Iraq and to focus more on China, Iran and other emerging challenges. In the Afghanistan-Pakistan review, he argued that the United States could not engage in what he termed “endless war,” and has strongly defended Mr. Obama’s decision to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan next summer."

Bravo. Now we have someone who is making some sense on these issues in the White House. Time to get out of these ridiculous wars and focus on more important challenges. China, for one, is flying under the radar and unchecked in too many ways. Iran is a nightmare waiting to happen. Plus, as noted above, the domestic situation really needs the president's focus. What the heck are we doing in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Wasting money, time and lives. That's what. Thank God Donilon is on board. He sounds like he'll start to give the president some much needed sane, sound and sage advice. It's about time.

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